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Provisional analysis of political opinions of drug users

(UK 1998)

Regular Users III preliminary results


Reported political views and voting intentions of UK drug users were studied in an anonymous survey of 1153 cannabis users during 1998. The data includes voting at the 1997 General Election and if an election were held "tomorrow", with reasons for their choices, and attitudes to a range of legislative drug policy options.

 Half of Labour supporters among users at the 1997 election had subsequently changed voting intention, with a large swing to the Green Party. Health and environmental issues are the main determining factors in deciding the votes of drug users, however the evidence suggests that drug policy may have become a more significant factor in deciding voter intentions.

 While there is widespread support for cannabis law reform, and strong opposition to current government policies, the majority of users reject wider legalisation of all drugs, or an unregulated free market in cannabis. Most state that a change in the law would neither increase nor decrease their level of use.

 For a full set of text & tables - click here.

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