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Ecstasy - Drugs Act
Q - I'm an
Italian student and I'm taking my degree in law at the
University of Milan. I'm doing a graduation thesis about
Ecstasy and legal problems about Designer Drugs. I know
that in the UK MDMA (Ecstasy) was prohibited in 1977
by an emendation to the Misuse of Drugs Act, together
with many other similar methaphetamins. I can't find
the Misuse of Drugs Act neither any commentary on it.
Could you help me? May be suggesting a link on the internet
where I can find it.
A - If there
is not a copy of the Misuse of Drugs Act available online
at the following site, you should be able to order one
from there.
Ecstasy is
not prohibited specifically, but most of the phenethylamines
are prohibited by a generic reference to alkyl-substitutions
to the basic chemical structure.