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Complaint - Angry of Tunbridge Wells?
fact that you have published the prices of this filth
on a medium where young children can obtain it is simply
disgusting.This is an official letter of complaint from
a person with a lot of power whose word is highly regarded
by some people of extremely high authority.I trust you
will recify this very large mistake a.s.a.p.
sorry you took offence at the information published
on our website regarding drug prices.
prices quoted are from large-scale surveys of drug users,
and are published as a resource for the benefit of academic
researchers, legal professionals, and police officers
providing drugs valuations for the courts.
in no way promotes the use of illegal drugs, and have
no part in the buying or selling of drugs, legal or
value our trusted and responsible reputation on both
sides of the debate on drugs policy. We regularly provide
expert evidence for the courts, and were contributors
to the House of Lords enquiry, providing unbiased information
which enables policy decisions to be made on the basis
of fact, not conjecture.
regret, therefore, that we are not prepared to alter
the content of our website. However, we are investigating
the possibility of restricting more sensitive information
to paid subscribers only.