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Faber CE: A guide to growing
cannabis under fluorescents USA 1974 - 25pp
A5 pamphlet subtitled "A handbook for high-power
pot farming". Reissued by Ronin Publishing as part
of the ĘCannabis Underground LibraryĆ.
"To possess or grow marijuana is against the law
in every state of the union as well as in most countries
of the world. It is not the purpose of this booklet
to promote any illegal acts whose penalties are often
harsh. Rather it should be viewed solely as a reference
work on raising plants under certain fluorescent light
on soil selection (including vermiculite, perlite etc.,
sterilising, pH), containers (jiffy pots, larger containers),
lighting (incandescents, gro-lux fluorescents, costs,
spacing, day length - 12 hrs for early flowering, longer
periods delay flowering), plant location, seed selection
& germination, transplanting seedlings, general
description of cannabis plant, watering and fertilising,
plant problems (aphids, spider-mites, whitefly, mealybugs
etc.), pruning and propagating (cuttings), harvesting
and curing, colchicine treatment of seeds.
A comprehensive booklet for the time, although information
now dated. No reference to hydroponics, HID lighting
or hybrid seeds.